By Chris Trotter
December 22, 2018 our December Community Get Together Xmas event was held with support from both Wurdale Landcare and Wurdale Fire Brigade. 125 residents attended the event at the Wurdale Hall. Feedback continues to be very positive with support for ongoing annual event.
Wurdale Hall - History Board and Map completed with formal “opening” held October 28 with attendance of 72 past and present community members. Valuable and informative resource for local community and visitors to the area. Thanks must go to Winchelsea Men’s Shed for the build, community members for their time/support and funding via community grant from Surf Coast Shire.

Our First Friday of Every Month dinner at Winchelsea hotels continues to be successful in bringing together community families for a regular monthly social occasion.
Supported kick off Community Leadership Event September 19 and subsequent formation of team focused on leadership in a crisis and bushfire recovery situation. Our team continues to be active in developing focus, action plans and next steps.