written by
Tony Phelps

Winch House in 2019, from the Chair

AGM reports Winch House Neighbourhood House 3 min read

by Tony Phelps, Chair at Winch House

Once more, our thanks go to those who help Winch House to exist and to provide the services we do. In particular
• The Department of Health and Human Services, who fund 25 hours per week for our Manager Wendy Greaves as part of State government “Neighbourhood House Co-ordination Funding”.
• The Department of Education and Training, who provide for jobs-related learning under the “Learn Local” program. We really need your ideas on how we can help people in and around Winchelsea improve their skills to get better jobs, better satisfaction, better prospects. Do you have an idea for a course that would last 24+ tutor hours, do you know someone who could be tutor for a valuable skill? We’d love to know!
• Surf Coast Shire, who provide an annual grant and who also provide and maintain these premises we sit in now, and lots of other support.
• The Winchelsea Star – great publicity as a community service. A locally-driven community newspaper is a key component in a healthy community, it’s great to see The Star continuing to prosper.

Funding, premises and promotion are no good, of course, without people. Our committee of management is small but dedicated. Treasurer Marg and Secretary Vee are the proverbial swans that keep things running along smoothly and make it all look easy – there’s much more going on than we see, and these are roles that are more than a little important to the success or otherwise of Winch House.
We had new committee members for this past year in Robyn, Simone and Monique. Fresh thoughts, fresh ideas, different perspectives are fabulous for the health of a community organisation. We welcome more new committee members for this year, please consider coming along to a committee meeting to see what it’s like.

Experience and history are equally essential, and Sara, Vee and Marg bring these to the committee. It makes a President’s job a whole lot easier when there are people who can know what’s been done in the past, and importantly how & why.

And backing up all of us on the committee are the staff – manager Wendy, bookkeeper Gill, adult-ed coordinator Thurid, and the Occasional Care team headed by Tina. All the policies and strategies in the world are useless without people to make them work, and we have done very well at Winch House for our frontline people. My personal thanks to those who are here constantly, and especially to Wendy for making my role much easier than I would expect, and for keeping me on track for what I should be doing!

Finally, I’d like to thank you for coming along today and showing an interest in what’s going on at Winchelsea Community House. The middle word there is the key - “community”. Winch House is here for you, and if the funding and people can possibly be found, it’s here to provide the community activities and services you want.

One of our challenges is simply letting people know we exist. Please help spread the word – whenever you get the chance, tell people;
• that Winch House exists
• that it offers lifestyle and job courses and group activities
• that Winch House is actively seeking ideas and tutors for courses & activities
• that sponsorship and partnerships would be fabulous
• that Winch House offers excellent facilities for meetings
• that it’s here to grow and develop our community in & around Winchelsea

Winch House is here for you, so please take advantage and get involved. It's good for you, and the community you live in.