by Thurid Pfeiffer-Busby, Adult Education Co-Ordinator
Term 3 2018 started with two ACFE Learn Local Classes: Advertising Online and Using Social Media for Small Businesses and MYOB Essentials. Term 4 2018 saw one ACFE course get off the ground: Introduction to Computers Level 1. Like every year around the same time, we were able to offer a First Aid/CPR refresher course from our Accredited Training list as well as a well-received lifestyle course Fermenting 101.
After the Christmas Holidays we commenced Term 1 2019 with an Introduction to Computers Level 1 course, which is part of our ACFE program.
As part of our Lifestyle Courses, we ran a Cheese Making Workshop at the Senior Citizen’s Club Kitchen.
Due to ACFE tutor shortage for the term, Term 2 saw us focussing more on our Accredited Training and Lifestyle courses. We ran an RSA course in June and we also began offering a very well-received Tai Chi class.
We were able to deliver as many ACFE hours as possible and are always working hard on promoting this aspect of our business, so we can continue to run the courses we have on offer.
Although we were not able to run any of the courses offered in partnership with Ocean Grove Community House this financial year, we are maintaining collaboration with them which enables us to offer certificate courses in Winchelsea. We will continue to pursue those possibilities and are hopeful that we can get more courses off the ground off-site again some time soon.
These partnerships are important to make sure we can keep growing and more importantly survive in the ever increasing difficult environment in which we work. We are continually faced with increased operating expenses but we are not ever guaranteed any increase in our key funding to cover these possible changes, so being proactive and looking for opportunities that help us to achieve our goals is essential.
As you will all appreciate we do work in a small rural community and it can be challenging to get enough people interested in classes so we can run them. We are always open to new ideas and suggestions on what you as the Community would like us to run and we will try our best to convert ideas into actions so please don’t forget to discuss your ideas with us!
Our courses and classes general overview is advertised in our Newsletter at the start of each calendar year as well as on Facebook and in “The Winchelsea Star” during the year. If you do not have access to our advertising please contact us and we can add you to our email circulation list.
Courses Delivered for 2018/2019
ACFE funded pre-accredited courses
1. Advertising Online and Using Social Media for Small Businesses (Term 3 2018)
2. MYOB Essentials (Term 3 2018)
3. Introduction to Computers Level 1 (Term 4 2018)
4. Introduction to Computers Level 1 (Term 1 2019)
Accredited Training
1. First Aid Level 2/CPR (Term 4 2018)
2. Responsible Service of Alcohol (Term 2 2019)
Lifestyle Courses
1. Fermenting 101 (Term 4 2018)
2. Cheese Making Workshop (Term 1 2019)
3. Tai Chi (Term 2 2019)
We are looking forward to next year with us being well into the planning and already having a few courses lined up as well as currently running.