written by
Tony Phelps

Star In The Air

Winchelsea Star articles 1 min read

by Tony Phelps, Winchelsea Star Committee Secretary

The Winchelsea Star hit the airwaves last week, featuring in the “Paperchase” segment on ABC Ballarat just after the 7am news. The segment speaks to a different newspaper each week about what’s happening locally. It celebrates all the really great newspapers we have around the region.

After a brief description of our community-powered newspaper, host Steve Martin went on to cover some of the big stories of the last couple of weeks. The closing of the Mt Gellibrand fire tower was first, and how it is important to the Winchelsea region due to the southwesterly changes that can drive a significant fire out west straight into our area.

The loss of the Op Shop was next, and Steve enquired about any updates on what’s happening next. Aside from the complete (and very quick!) clearance of the site of all rubble, no plans have been publicised as yet. Suggestions have been made to use the Tearooms temporarily, however, lease negotiations are continuing with for a potential restaurant. Apparently the potential lessee has until March 2021 to decide.

The segment concluded with a chat about the Keep Victoria Beautiful ‘Stationeers’ program, which aims to beautify Victoria’s train stations. As it happens, 25th November was the 144th birthday for the Winchelsea train station. As the program manager Gary Mogford said, Winchelsea’s station grounds are a “blank canvas”and they are seeking volunteers to put in garden beds and plants, and then maintain the station grounds.

ABC Ballarat cover the southwest region and include Birregurra and Colac in their patch. You can listen to ABC Ballarat anywhere digitally (go to abc.net.au/radio/ballarat) or on the radio at 107.9FM. You’ll find more localised content than we typically hear on ABC Melbourne.

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